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A Healthy Foundation for Every Individual

Treatment involves:

Prevention of compulsive dieting by working with a sports nutritionist.
Increasing the strength of muscles, ligaments, bones and joints must be increased with a progressive exercise program designed by a physical therapist.

Physical therapy for athletes begins with a detailed evaluation of the flexibility, strength, range of motion and athletic goals.

The physical therapist is a critical member of the healthcare team and works closely with a coach and athletic trainer. The physical therapist may use a combination of the following treatments:

  • Ultrasound to heal connective tissue (tendons and ligaments).
  • Manipulative therapy that includes stretching and massage.
  • Resistance training to increase muscle strength.
  • Cold compress for acute injuries and heat to relax muscular spasms.
  • Low-level laser use for muscle and connective tissue injuries.
  • Functional Electrical Stimulation to restore strength in the muscles.
  • The use of tape to support muscles and assistive devices as needed to support joints.